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Available For Sale
$98,500 OBO

Collector's Car Featured on Jay Leno’s TV Show

Year: 2016
Mileage: 51,325 miles
Condition: Excellent
Armor Rating: B4 (Stops up to .44 Magnum)
Weight (Armored): ~4,700 lbs
Tires: Standard (No run-flats)
Non-Lethal Systems: Shock door handles, Pepper spray, Tear gas, Smoke, Rear blinding lights
Ram Bumpers: None
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Armored Audi RS7 featured on Jay Leno's Garage

This 2016 Armored Audi RS7—featured on Jay Leno’s Garage—has also drawn attention from Forbes and numerous other digital media outlets for its striking combination of luxury, speed, and discreet protective features. Often called a “007 collector car,” it comes equipped with an array of non-lethal defensive systems, including:

  • Electrified door handles (shock handles)
  • Pepper spray and tear gas dispensers
  • Smoke deployment system
  • Aircraft-grade blinding rear lights
  • Red/blue police-style lights (grille, windshield, rear)

The B4 armor is rated to stop up to a .44 Magnum round, though it does not protect against high-powered rifles. Weighing in at about 4,700 lbs total, it retains enough agility and power to thrill any Audi performance enthusiast.

With only 51,325 miles on the odometer, this RS7 stands in excellent condition, blending captivating style with practical on-road security. If you seek a standout high-performance sedan that also offers peace of mind, this is a rare find.

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Collector's Car Featured on Jay Leno’s TV Show

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