With fortress 360, We Help You Protect What Matters Most.

Fortress360℠ by US Armor Group is an elite dynamic configurational defense program built by the world’s foremost defense experts from the U.S. military and law enforcement industry. Fortress360℠ is designed to mitigate every threat imaginable, including digital threats and property protection. With many different potential vulnerabilities, the process of safeguarding all aspects of an individual’s life is where we step in to provide streamlined, highly effective security at every level.

Each client first receives a very detailed vulnerability assessment which is designed to mitigate every potential threat including Cybersecurity breaches, unwanted surveillance, and a comprehensive review of the structural fortification capabilities of the residence or place of business. An additional vulnerability assessment is also conducted to mitigate the threats of natural disasters such as earthquakes, wildfires, hurricanes, tornados, and more. Also included in the assessment is a complete review of the client’s current security plan as well as the capabilities of their security team, if applicable. The Fortress360℠ program includes armored vehicle services as well as providing elite security professionals for protection when needed.

Important Features of Fortress360℠ Include

Dynamic Structural

Fortress360℠ incorporates concealed structural reinforcements throughout the property. We also work with clients’ architectural firms to guard and protect structural weak points that are vulnerable to breaching (doors, glass, windows, stairwells, and balconies). Lastly, US Armor Group incorporates powerful A.I. monitoring systems, including drone detection and other mitigation systems to guard against unwanted intruders.

Safe Room

Customized safe room designs can be hidden within each property to offer a secure, fortified retreat. Equipped with industry-leading security and emergency communication systems, Fortress360℠ ensures that clients have a completely protected area during any potential threat. 


US Armor Group offers a Cybersecurity Vulnerability Assessment that evaluates each client’s digital infrastructure, networks, and devices to identify and shield against any vulnerabilities. Fortress360℠ implements a series of Advanced Threat Detection and Prevention systems to safeguard sensitive data and personal information in real time, including protecting all handheld devices used on property and Wi-Fi networks. 

Advanced Open-Source

Clients are able to gather data from more than a million open sources, including local Police and Fire Department communications, with rapid response notifications being delivered directly to their mobile devices on any nearby potential threats or environmental hazards within a predetermined security zone. This open-source program also scans preset travel routes, operates 24/7, and follows the client globally. The technology decodes every language, constantly searching for potential threats from anywhere in the world. 

Natural Disaster

Hurricane/Earthquake-Proof shatterproof glass is implemented throughout each property for added dynamic configurational defense against both natural and human threats. We also offer a wildfire mitigation system that deploys fire-retardant foam even if the homeowner is away, when necessary. This system utilizes AI technology to track wildfires in the area and deploy the protective foam when needed. US Armor Group even includes EMP mitigation with each vulnerability assessment to protect homes and properties from both human-made electromagnetic pulses and unexpected solar magnetic storms.

Executive Protection

US Armor Group provides comprehensive planning and personal protection, handled by expertly trained professionals for executives and high-profile individuals. Our team begins this process by reviewing a client’s existing security team’s capabilities, offering training and additional manpower if needed. We tailor a specific strategy to each individual to ensure a sense of safety and security at all times.

Inquire For Fortress360℠ Pricing

Call Us 800-881-8055
Email Us Info@USArmorGroup.com

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